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Rajea Forrest

Unlimited Computer Purchasing Power for Businesses and Government Agencies

Laptops, Desktops, Tablets, Servers, Routers, from MOST manufacturers custom designed and delivered to your company ANYWHERE IN THE US.

NO personal credit needed.

NO down payment

NO finance charges EVER

UNLIMITED purchasing power

Build Business Credit

Net Payment of 30, 45, and 60 days

Small, Medium, or an Enterprise Company

Servicing all branches of government

We are a low cost computer hardware reseller for most manufacturers such as Cisco, Lenovo, HP, Dell, Gateway, MSI, Toshiba, Sony, ASUS, and more!

Choose to do direct purchasing or leasing options are available also.

Give us a call TODAY and let us provide a SOLUTION designed around your budget and requirements.

Call (888) 511-0143 or (706) 406-5914


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