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Real-Time Facial Recognition – Dash Board and Body Cams!

The criminal element seems to get smarter and smarter by the moment. For these reasons there are several advancements in technology that law enforcement does not share to stay ahead of the criminal mind, while not fully disclosing what their capabilities are. One technology in law enforcement that has become public knowledge is their facial recognition software which allows them to use pictures or sketches of individuals to check their criminal, warrant, missing persons, and illegal immigrant databases. The software connects to several different databases and can take some time if all it has is facial recognition. It takes that much longer if it is a partial image, if its blurry, or no description is added such as name, address, dob, etc. For this reason, people are detained to allow the software time to run and fully check the various databases and ensure the records being displayed are the records for the person law enforcement is seeking or already has in custody.

Another new technology which has been added to the law enforcement arsenal is the use of body cams. This addition has come not only to recognize the criminal element, but also to lawfully protect civilians and officers in the event of a negative interaction. The footage can be viewed and used once the camera is recovered and the images downloaded into the system. Officers and civilians alike have new found confidence in knowing that interactions with each other now have a historical map for others to see the event as it unfolded. This technology is still being introduced to all aspects of law enforcement and is rapidly becoming the standard for all to follow.

With both facial recognition software and body cams, law enforcement has a greater edge at continuing to spot criminals and their activities. But, there is more. A Boston based startup company called Neurala specializing in Artificial Intelligence, has teamed up with Motorola build what they call “real-time learning for a person of interest”. The “real-time learning for a person of interest” is a term they are using to describe an “unnamed” system that incorporates both body cam and facial recognition. The founder of the startup company, Massimiliano Versace, already has patents pending on this AI version of facial recognition software.

Versace developed a technology which is based on using AI to rapidly go through codes which are developed through facial recognition software. By using AI to go through the codes, the information is processed faster and can be harnessed from even smaller computers. By using smaller computers, Versace’s intent is to place the micro-computers into body cams. Some may say a smaller computer is not a big deal, but for world of technology and computing, that is a very big deal. The ability to utilize bulky applications on a smaller computer means less storage space and less processor requirements to complete complex jobs that larger machines are used to complete today.

A deeper look at how the system works is that, the AI would essentially network between each other in the various body cams the same a hive would operate. They would constantly be on in a camera going through a stream of images and rapidly sharing the information between databases and each network of body cams. In this case, the AI would and could capture an image that a law enforcement official might not have or alert an official of the presence of a criminal or missing person that is nearby caught by another body cam. More importantly, the AI would constantly be updated in real-time, which means that the minute a criminal is apprehended, or a missing person is found, the image would be removed, and the databases would be instantly updated. The same scenario would take place for new criminals or new missing persons.

There are many possibilities for this new technology that it will change the face of how not only law enforcement detects criminals and missing persons, but also how computers interact. Artificial Intelligence is a technology which is rapidly gaining momentum as we integrate it into homes, smartphones, computers, and the way we live. IT GURUS OF ATLANTA will steadily provide updates concerning Neurala, Motorola, and how they plan to deploy this evolving technology. Clearly Artificial Intelligence is changing the landscape of how we interact with each other. Just how far we go, stay tuned and subscribe to our newsletter as we explore and learn together.


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