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Underwater Drones – The next Frontier – Buy Today!

Amazon, the king of the drone empire is making a lot of headway since their tests with drone flight for package delivery. News stations which are using drones to deliver captivating aerial videos have helped to propel drones to an all-time high of being the most sought-after gadget. Since their introduction for personal use, many are grabbing drones off the shelves faster than they can be produced. Now larger companies are catching on the craze and drones are available worldwide for both personal and business use. The sky is clearly the frontier that is rapidly developing into the playground for mankind. This only opens the doors for another frontier to be conquered by the evolution of drones. For that next frontier, the water is next in line.

BIKI Technologies is company that was founded in 2014 owned by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT). Their focus is on algorithms and computational designs. Their innovation drove them invent the world’s first Bionic Wireless Underwater Fish Drone. Too many words to consider, well that is because of all the functionality within this drone and its capabilities. BIKI Technologies and RoboSea paired up to bring RoboSea’s knowledge of underwater technology along with BIKI Technology’s knowledge of algorithms to BIKI’s underwater drone. Both companies have been working together to get this product on the market and now consumers can purchase from Kick Starter.

BIKI’s abilities underwater are amazing. For starters, you can control the device from your smartphone and view images while the drone does dives. There is automated balancing while the drone is in water this way it stays on a path, while capturing footage and can stay afloat if commended to do so. The robot is shaped like a fish with a fin at the end to help it maneuver through water the same way that a fish would navigate through water in the ocean with the same swaying movement. The speed of BIKI is amazing by being able to move through water at 1pmh rapidly. The automated features of BIKI include setting its own buoyancy and level that removes the owner from having to constantly adjust the drone to keep afloat or to stay on its designated path.

One of the key features in BIKI is its ability to come back home. Once the battery drops to 20%, it automatically goes back to the origin point of the user for a recharge prior to being sent back out. It’s a preservation feature that will not allow it to run out of battery power and preserve the key footage that it has captured. This “come back home” feature is all possible through an internal GPS and IMU (inertial measurement unit). That battery life of the drone is quoted to last between 90-120 minutes of constant use. It is also capable of diving down up to 196 feet.

BIKI has two 114-lumen LED lights that it uses to shed light on the videos it captures giving a full view of objects that in front of the camera. The camera is another outstanding feature which can shoot 4K videos while taking 16-megapixel photos. The lens is wide angled which captures images at 150-degrees. During the constant swaying of the drone, the camera uses stabilizers to have the camera move against the movement of the body giving the images steady view with very little movement. From the naked eye, BIKI is constantly moving and a steady image is hard to imagine, but from the user standpoint, the images and video are constant, clear, and stable.

The drone does not use “Bluetooth” technology to connect the device as Bluetooth tends to put strain on the battery during that constant connection. So, how does BIKI connect? It uses a WiFi signal that a smartphone or tablet can connect to, then once connected, the user can control BIKI with no problems. BIKI only allows one device to connect at a time and the connection can be password protected to avoid the use of the drone by other devices that are not authorized.

WiFi signals do not go very far underwater, so the next question comes into play to ask, “How can the device be controlled if it is to go down to depths of 196 feet?”. Well BIKI has the answer. There are two options for controlling BIKI below the connection level of its WiFi signal. One option is to program a patrol route, which the drone can automatically detect obstacles and avoid them. The second option is to use the underwater remote. The remote uses an “acoustic communication technique”. This communication feature allows the user to make dives with the drone while having the drone to dive up to 33 feet deeper than the diver. While submerged below WiFi level, streaming videos and photos are not possible. However, with the remote the diver can control when the drone captures photos and videos for review once the drone is retrieved.

BIKI’s internal memory has a capacity of 32GB that can capture up to 2hrs of videos or 5,722 of 16 Megapixel photos. Combining videos and photos changes the dynamics of how much videos and photos the device captures, but still makes the capacity very significant. While BIKI is available on Kickstarter for the public to purchase at $599, once it goes retail, the prices are estimated to reach $1,024 per BIKI. BIKI is guaranteed to change the canvas of the ocean and how consumers view video under water. BIKI comes in two sizes which are both compact and having the same features. BIKI can be used as both a toy for the swimming pool and in the ocean for exploration. IT GURUS OF ATLANTA brings the latest in updates about BIKI and their movement towards mainstream. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter in the link below that we can provide our updates directly to your mailbox.


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